Because :

  • I've had enough of overpriced games in the big stores, that you pay a fortune for but you know you'll only use them once or twice...
  • The same goes for two-bit games from other manufacturers that you know won't make it through the winter because they're such crap and made in China...
  • And becausedo we really need even more plastic in our world?
  • And because Christmas is just around the corner!
  • And it must be said that the games from "The Simple Toy are made in France, from recycled plastic, and at affordable prices. (while paying the right price, from Philippe Risoli please, I'm old school)and aren't those little boats, submarines, trucks and trains in yellow-blue-green just so cute?

For all these reasons, I feel it's my duty to analyze the last email I received from the brand and to distinguish the positive... and negative points.

The design


  • I like the idea of declining the logo in an event- or calendar-specific version. Here, the addition of snow and a bonnet on the " S " from "Simple pleases me! It's okay to think outside the box sometimes!
  • The visuals are clearly well chosen and executed : the toys are there, in situ (and by the way, you'll notice that an effort has even been made to make the hero's visual relate to the main subject of the email, since there's wrapping paper, bolduc and a Christmas tree in the background).. They are of the highest quality, taken by skilled photographers without a doubt.
  • The shades used in the email seem completely consistent with the brand's visual identity. No false notes. Great!
  • All texts are designed in HTML rather than being encompassed in the images. I'm delighted!

Negative points:

  • Let's start with the snowflake motif repeated in the background image of the email body: not necessarily very qualitative (something lighter and more polished would have been welcome). And I have the feeling that the cut of this visual is not optimal for repetition...
  • I wonder if I wouldn't have reduced the height of the email a little by passing the 4 categories (currently one below the other) in a 2-column format, then another line of 2 columns: shooting the visuals would allow this by cropping on the children and their respective toys. And there's always a way to superimpose the 4 categories on mobile.
  • I'm very dubious about placing category titles above background images. I completely understand that, graphically, "it looks good"but I can feel rendering problems coming on certain opening environments.... However, take out the title and the button and place them under the visual, with a solid background color. (blue, for example) was possible!
  • Hey, when there's a price reduction, don't hesitate to highlight it graphically. folks! And now it's a game of 7 differences between the old price and the new price for the "2-in-1 seaplane and submarine duo. I did see that the old price was crossed out, but maybe there was a way of averaging a new, bigger price, in bold? For example, I'm just saying...
  • I like these little Santa faces in the "December surprises...But did you notice that some had beards and some didn't? So either the brightness of my screen is too high, or insufficient contrast between background color and visuals. And I don't really see the point of this visual, by the way: we're talking about Instagram, why not put some photos of the account?
  • So, clearly, the contrast of "pink" or "light blue" pieces of text on a very light background doesn't work... After all, it's true that it's consistent with the site, where I also find this issue in the main title of the home page... But I'm pointing it out anyway!
  • I see like a little difference in "style" between the illustrations of the part "Our commitments as a manufacturer and the "Our commitments as a retailer I have to admit that it bothers me a bit... After all, as I said earlier, it's in keeping with the site, I can't deny that... but it's a shame not to find the same icon "library" or the same graphic work.
  • Beware also of the Dark Mode rendering of these same illustrations: (dark) blue on an almost black background, it's almost invisible! Always think ahead by adding, for example cast shadows in the same color as the background color in Light Mode. As a result, illustrations will stand out a little better in dark mode.
  • Chelou, the layout of the social networks is not consistent with that applied to their website. It's a minor detail, but what can I say, I'm here to poke around! They call me the weasel!
  • Why doesn't the copyright at the bottom of the email get the same formatting as the mentions above? It's sad, isn't it?

Editorial staff


  • Right from the editorial, the main ecological values of "Why buy from Le Petit Jouet" are mentioned: supporting local employment, minimize carbon footprint. Congratulations!
  • The button text content is particularly innovative and engagingI find, with their infinitive form, and verbs related to the targeted game category. ("Flying", "Rolling", "Floating"...). It's so cute!
  • The phrase in white and pink on a blue background sums up the concept and strength of the boutique. It's simple, concise and to the point: nothing to complain about!
  • There aren't many texts in the email, but honestly, in general, I find them very well thought-out and written. They are always sufficient and relevant.
  • I love the baseline at the end "Awakening to the world and watching over the world. Now that's a punchline to remember: a huge bravo and infinite respect!

Negative points:

  • I have a bit of trouble with spelling mistakesand I tick on the "For all orders placed..." which, in my opinion, should be written as "For all orders placed...". But that doesn't change the idea, we agree! I'd also like to point out another error in the text "Monomaterial 100% recyclables (a little higher up) which should be written as "Monomaterial 100% recyclable".given that recyclable is an adjective and must therefore agree in gender and number with the noun it qualifies, in this case single-materialFeminine singular noun. Yes, my daughter is in CE1 C.
  • A link to the privacy policy for footer mentions, that's a no-brainer...
  • I'll come back to the copyright at the bottom of the email: it's 2024, folks, we changed years 339 days ago now, there's even been a dissolution and then a motion of censure with a change of prime minister since then!

The code


  • The mobile version of the email is well existing and rather clean (apart from the points mentioned below, of course!).
  • I find the attribute role attribute with the value presentation to all presentation on the HTML tables used to create the email structure, and which are therefore not data tables. Top!
  • From semantic HTML tags are used for textual content: <h1>, <h3>, <p>... That's good!

Negative points:

  • Missing a few minor technical fixes for the 120DPI, for example, and for optimum accessibility (attribute lang in the tag <html>, <div> lines with the role in value article encompassing all email...)
  • Some visuals are designed to be "larger" than the size in which they are ultimately displayed in the email: is this really necessary? I'm not talking about Retina here, I think it's more a question of images exported on the fly, without bothering to rework them or optimize their weight.
  • No background color is specified in the HTML tag <body>. As a result, if the background image applied to the entire body of the email (the one with the flakes) is not supported, the background is white. Well then? What's happening to us? If you're going to use a background image, why not call up one in PNG format? (to maintain transparency) and manage plain background color via the bgcolor or the CSS property background-color ? That would easily solve the problem, and ensure that there's always a consistent rendering in Dark Mode.
  • In the same way, no background color is specified for cells containing the logo or the main product categories... Oh no, I'm mistaken: there is a background color: white... (#FFFFFF). And you know what I mean! Yes, if the image is not displayed, white text on white background is invisible ! Worse still, the logo: since it's white (mainly)is also invisible. It's still very annoying... When all you had to do was choose a background color consistent with the visuals used, or simply separate the textual and visual content...
  • As much as I tend to always recommend creating graphic effects with CSS whenever possible, I find it hard to understand why the rounded white border on the left of the visual in the "Christmas delivery guaranteed" was not done directly in the image. The result is a dirty old border on Outlook...
  • We didn't forget a margin:0px auto on the logo "Origine France Garantie attribute in the footer, or a align attribute with the value presentation to all center on the cell containing it? Hm?
  • In the footer, "This e-mail has been sent to EMAIL " the small variable {email} waiting for her parents at the reception desk, I repeat: the little variable {email}
  • I locate paragraphs <p> used to make spacers... " Y'avait un bibelot là... Y'AVAIT UN BIBELOOOOT!!!" Need we remind you thatthere are specific CSS properties for margins and spacing in an email ?
  • The HTML code is quite complex for a relatively simple design. Once the code is indented, I have a final weight of 109ko. It's strong and it sticks out 102ko authorized by Gmail !

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